Here are some of the most commonly asked questions from our students. If the question you have is not listed here, please contact us and we will be happy to answer them for you.
[Click to jump to the answers]
1. What is a Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTT / YTTC) ?
2. Who is the Yoga Teacher Training Course suitable for ?
3. I'm not very flexible / I’m not good at yoga. Will I be good at yoga after the course ?
4. What makes One Earth Yoga different from other yoga courses ?
7. What does my course fee include ?
9. How do I get to the training venue ?
10. Am I allowed to leave the training venue between classes ?
11. What’s the accommodation like and what type of food will be served ?
12. I’m still not sure if I would like to enroll in the 200-hour course, what should I do ?
1. What is a Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTT / YTTC) ?
Our yoga teacher training courses are designed for individuals interested in deepening and expanding their knowledge of yoga.
A good yoga teacher training courses provide education in all areas of yoga including yogic philosophy (core values and ethics), anatomy of the physical body and the subtle body (pranas, chakras, koshas and nadis), yoga sutras, asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing techniques), kriyas (cleansing techniques), bandhas (locks), mudras (gestures), mantras (chants), and other traditional techniques.
Although no previous yoga experience necessary, applicants are required to be in good physical health and have a genuine interest in yoga.
2. Who is the Yoga Teacher Training Course suitable for?
The yoga teacher training course is actually designed for everyone of all levels to increase their knowledge in yoga. We do however discourage complete beginners from signing up due to the physical intensity of the course
During the training, our aim is to provide you with a thorough understanding and fundamentals of yoga and we will guide you to grow as a teacher.
3. I'm not very flexible / I’m not good at yoga. Will I be good at yoga after the course?
Flexibility and physical strength is only related to the asana (posture) segment of yoga. There is so much more to yoga than just flexibility!
Yoga is a lifestyle that encompasses way of thought and improving personal wellbeing. No one is ever “good at yoga” in the true sense, that would be saying someone is “good at life.”
On a physiological level, asanas (postures) classes are conducted twice a day focusing on alignment and breathing.
You will definitely experience growth in your physical practice after the course. The growth depends on each individual and their bodies, their background in sports, and where they are in their own asana practice and how many years they have been practicing.
4. What makes One Earth Yoga different from other yoga courses?
One Earth Yoga provides quality trainings by very passionate teachers that have over a decade of experience in retreats and teacher trainings.
There are many trainings today that certify students that do not cover philosophy, the yoga sutras or even meditation! These are core practices in yoga and we maintain a traditionalist approach in providing this knowledge to our course attendees as best as we can.
Our teachers are spiritual and we aim to maintain the authenticity and the true message of yoga education.
5. Are there exams?
We do have a final exam more so to encourage attendees to retain the information from the course than to create pressure.
Most of all we want everyone to have a thorough understanding of major concepts in yogic philosophy (core values and ethics), anatomy of the physical body and the subtle body (pranas, chakras, koshas and nadis), yoga sutras, asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing techniques), kriyas (cleansing techniques), bandhas (locks), mudras (gestures), mantras (chants), and other traditional techniques.
We supplement the course with many fun quizzes to highlight the key point and make the information easily digestible.
For the practical exams, we will assess you in your command of the class and provide you constructive feedback.
6. How do I register?
Please fill in the application form by clicking Apply Now. We will send you further instruction, including how to pay your deposit to hold your spot in the course.
7. What does my course fee include?
Your course fees includes :
Training & Support
Course Material
Lifelong support and counsel
For destination trainings:
24 nights’ accommodation (Shared / Private) for
3 vegetarian meals a day​
8. What is visa do I need?
Yoga Teacher Training Courses are considered an activity of personal interest, so you will only need a tourist visa.
9. How do I get to the training venue?
Once the registration has been completed, we will send more information in detail for each training.
10. Am I allowed to leave the training venue between classes?
Yes, during your breaks and days off you may choose to leave and explore the surrounding area.
Our training venues are carefully selected to be remote so that our students can maintain focus and have the appropriate rest during the training.
We want you to enjoy your time during the course but we urge you to practice good time management and attend all classes for your own self growth.
11. What’s the accommodation like and what type of food will be served?
We work with highly rated resorts and hotels that has been vetted for. Each training venue will have its own charm. Please click the venues below for more pictures.
In accordance with our values of ahimsa (non-violence), we have advised the kitchen staff to prepare local ovo-lacto vegetarian meals. If you have specific dietary constraints, do let the course director know.
12. I’m still not sure if I would like to enroll in the 200-hour course, what should I do?
We understand that a 25-day intensive course can be quite intimidating and hard to commit to. We assure you there is nothing to fear as many students are in the same boat. If you are still having doubts, please talk to the Course Director and he/she can provide you with some advice.
If it’s a matter of time commitment, we offer 50-hour and 100-hour segments of the course as well that will contribute to the 200-hour requirement, should you decided to pursue the full course in the future.

Let the beauty of what we love
be what we do.